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Phone: 09 358 1044  (if we are with customers, we cannot take your call so please email with your query)

For all orders please visit our NEW website

please return within 2 business days of your graduation ceremony to
17 George Street, Newmarket (by Auckland Domain)

Via courier (please book courier within 5 business days of your graduation ceremony): 

  • if you purchased the NZ Post return courier from ADH, the courier ticket should be on your invoice (if not, please email with your order number and we will email a ticket back).

  • Please place all hired regalia into a box, stick ticket on and book the courier online:

In person: 
Monday - Friday 9.00am to 4.00pm


To send us an enquiry please fill in the following form and we normally reply within 2 hours.  If we cannot, we will endeavour to reply within 6 business hours

Your Email*
First Name*
Last Name*
Your Query*
In order to assist us in reducing spam, please type the characters you see:

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Contact us:
09 358 1044


map117 George Street
Newmarket, Auckland 1023