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How to Wear Regalia

To view a video on how to wear regalia, please click here

You will find a full description of regalia items in each category below
  • Degree Hoods
  • Diploma Scarves or Stoles
  • Trencher
  • Bonnet
  • Degree hoods are usually black with a coloured lining that denotes the qualification being awarded. 
  • Bachelor Degree hoods have white fur trim.
  • Bachelor with Honours degree hoods have an additional qualification colour strip of satin under the fur on the outside edge of the hood.
  • Masters’ Degree Hoods have coloured lining with no white fur trim
  • PhD Degree hoods are made entirely of red satin.  Higher Doctoral Degree hoods are made entirely of satin in the colour that denotes the Doctoral qualification being awarded.
  • The hood is one size only, and is worn hanging down the wearers back. 
  • The hood is kept in position by the neckband which is passed over the wearers head.  The hood is draped at the back to show a section of the colour lining on the right shoulder. 
  • As hoods are heavy and lined with satin they will slide off the shoulder easily.  It is recommended to purchase a Kate Edger hood pin to secure the neckband to the gown to ensure the hood stays in place for the wearer.
GOWNS Who wears this gown? Sizing Sleeves - Instructions
Bachelor Gown Bachelor Degree recipients / holders Bachelor Gowns are sized according to height of the wearer and should sit mid-calf when worn. Yours hands go through the end opening of the batwing sleeve. 
Masters’ Gown Masters’ Degree recipients / holders Masters’ Gowns are sized according to height of the wearer and should sit mid-calf when worn. The Masters Gown sleeves are as long as the gown itself.  The sleeves are oblong in shape with an opening at the wrist which your hands go through.
PhD and Doctoral Gowns PhD and Higher Doctoral Degree recipients Doctoral Gowns are Masters Gowns with Doctoral facings. These gowns are also sized according to height of the wearer and should sit mid-calf when worn. The sleeves are oblong in shape with an opening at the wrist which your hands go through.
These items are called Scarves by the University of Auckland, and are called Stoles by AUT, Unitec, MIT and other Institutes.  Diploma scarves/stoles are worn by Diploma, Graduate and Postgraduate Diploma Recipients.  If you hold a previous Bachelor or Masters’ Degree you may be required to wear the appropriate regalia set for your previous degree (gown and headwear) along with the appropriate colored diploma scarf/stole.  If you do not hold a previous degree, you will be required to wear a Bachelor Gown and the appropriate colored diploma scarf/stole.
The trencher is worn by those who already have or will be receiving a Bachelor or Masters’ Degree.  The trencher is black with a black tassel, which should be worn over the left eye.  Hold the trencher side on to find the shorter peak, this is worn to the front of the head, with the trencher sitting about midway down your forehead to keep it securely in place. The flat board on top of the trencher should sit parallel with the floor, not tipped backwards or forward.
The Tudor bonnet is worn by PhD and Higher Doctoral recipients.  The bonnet is made of velvet and the gold tassel should be worn over the left eye. 

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