We know it's important to wear the right regalia on Graduation Day, and we work closely with your Institution to understand exactly what you need to wear as requirements differ between Institutions.
The majority of Post Graduate Diploma recipients already hold a Bachelor or Masters degree. Choose the Previous Degree option when ordering.
If you do not hold a previous degree, choose the No Previous Degree option when ordering.
We have set up easy ordering through the website. To order, first select your Institution by name, then select Graduate or Post Graduate Diploma. Next you choose Previous Degree or No Previous degree and our system will automatically select the pieces of regalia you need to wear.
If your degree was awarded overseas your Institution will allow you to wear a degree hood from New Zealand to represent your qualification. When ordering please choose the Previous Degree option and click on Add a Hood option where you can tell us your previous degree name and the hood colour lining if known e.g. Bachelor of Science, blue satin lining. This will assist us in selecting an equivalent hood from our extensive regalia stock to represent your overseas qualification.
If you are still unsure as to what to wear please give us a call on 09 358 1044 we are open Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm
the University of Auckland Unitec |