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Diploma Scarves, Stoles and Degree Hoods

Diploma Scarves or Stoles
These items are called Scarves by the University of Auckland and are called Stoles by AUT, Unitec, MIT and other Institutions. They may be worn by diploma, graduate diploma and postgraduate diploma recipients. Please refer to your Institutes Regalia Guide to determine if you need to wear this item.

They are usually black and made from the same fabric as the gown with a color trim that denotes the qualification being awarded.  Unitec stoles are made from green fabric with color trim denoting the qualification being awarded (as pictured right).

The style of the scarf/stole and color is different for each Institution.

The scarf/stole is worn around the shoulders with the color trim at the front. If the recipient is also wearing a hood the scarf/stole is always put on first.
Resized Unitec Scarf

Unitec Diploma Stole
Degree Hoods
Bachelor, Masters, PhD and Higher Doctoral recipients wear a degree Hood, usually black and made from the same fabric as the gown. They have a colour lining which denotes the qualification being awarded. The colour and style of the hood is different for each Institution.  

The hood is worn hanging down the back, and is kept in position by the neckband which passes over the customers head. The hood is draped at the back to show a section of the coloured lining on the right hand side with the black outside fabric covering from the left side as shown in the picture.

The hoods are heavy and will move about if they are not properly secured. A Kate Edger hood pin at the front middle of the neckband secured to the gown will ensure that the hood stays in place.

Resized Gold Hood

University of Auckland Bachelor Degree Hood


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