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Higher Doctoral Degree

Bonnet - Choose your headsize
larger imageClick the image to enlarge
Headwear - please measure head circumference all the way around your head. 

Position the measuring tape just above the eyebrows as demonstrated below (or use string or cord and then measure on a ruler).


Head circ 1

Metric Inches
51 cm 20 1/4
52 cm 20 1/2
53 cm 21
54 cm 21 1/2
55 cm 21 5/8
56 cm 22 1/8
57 cm 22 1/2
58 cm 23
59 cm 23 1/4
60 cm 23 3/4
61 cm 24
62 cm 24 1/2
63 cm 25

Add Hood

Enter qualification here and we will put in the appropriate regalia. Cost $21.00
Hood - PHD

Hood - PHD

Add Hood Details

Add Hood Details

Enter qualification here and we will put in the appropriate regalia.
Cost $21.00

Bonnet - Choose your headsize

Bonnet - Choose your headsize

Bonnets are stretch-fit and come in three sizes (S, M, L). Click the link on the right for measuring instructions.
Gown - PhD with PhD Stole

Gown - PhD with PhD Stole

Please select your height range from the list on the right, we will double check sizes when you collect regalia
Bond for Casual Hire

Bond for Casual Hire

Remove this item from the shopping cart if you are purchasing regalia
Hood Pins x 2 - Optional

Hood Pins x 2 - Optional

$10.00 for 2 hood pins. Helps secure hood to gown (keep as a souvenir)
Donation- Optional

Donation- Optional

All proceeds promote, advance and encourage education through the Kate Edger Trust. Many thanks for your support!



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map117 George Street
Newmarket, Auckland 1023