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Hire & Buy Regalia

Degree Hood
Please use the drop-down box alongside the picture of the hood to choose your Degree.

Note: The colour of the lining of the hood for the Degree of Master of Philosophy is that of the closest Masters degree to which the subject of the MPhil relates.

Please choose your head size from the drop-down options.  Click here to see how to measure head size. 

Masters Gown
Gown size is based on height.  Please use the drop-down box alongside the picture of the gown to choose your height range.

Add Hood

Enter qualification here and we will put in the appropriate regalia. Cost $21.00
Tai Tokerau Master Nursing

Tai Tokerau Master Nursing

Gown - Masters

Gown - Masters

Please select your height range from the list on the right
Trencher - Choose your head size

Trencher - Choose your head size

Click the link on the right to see how to measure your head size
Hood Pins x 2 - Optional

Hood Pins x 2 - Optional

$10.00 for 2 hood pins. Helps secure hood to gown (keep as a souvenir)
Donation- Optional

Donation- Optional

All proceeds promote, advance and encourage education through the Kate Edger Trust. Many thanks for your support!
Tai Tokerau UoA Delivery to& Return to Campus

Tai Tokerau UoA Delivery to& Return to Campus


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Newmarket, Auckland 1023